Things to Read

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Weekend Update 10/6

Another week, another small tick down on the scale!  I feel a lot more accomplished since my decision to re-claim my fitness goals.

Did I eat half of an apple pie this week?  Why yes I did!  But this time I didn't allow that bad decision to send me into a downward spiral, like in weeks past.  Plus the pie was freaking delicious since it was made with some of the apples Jason and I picked last week!

I just realized I didn't update my Facebook/Twitter with my weight loss progress.  I lost .6 pounds this week, for a grand total of 44 pounds lost since I started this fitness journey!  Crazy right?   I'm just 13 pounds away from being under 300... I haven't been there since the winter after I met Jason.

Here's a little visual update:

In other news, Jason and I are having a blast with our Halloween Advent Calendar.  We've done some fun fall/spooky activities-- and we've only just begun!

If you follow me on Instagram, you can keep up with our daily fun this month.

It's been really great to share some fun, new memories with Jason.  After five years together, I still feel lucky to have found someone that I can say things like: "We need to drive to mom and dad's to get their Halloween CD so we can make a mix tonight when I get home."  And he says, "Ok." then smiles.

Speaking of Jason--  we got some discouraging news this last week.  It appears that because of the Government Shutdown, we may not get his background check from the FBI in time for him to meet his deadline for Korea.  We sent out the paperwork in early September, knowing it would come back by early October with plenty of time to send it off to the State Department before it needed to head to Seoul by the end of this month.

But, now that the government has shutdown-- so has the part of the FBI that processes background checks.  No one could even tell us if it has been processed or sent out.  So now, we're sitting here, hoping the Gods will smile down on us and throw us a bone.  If the paperwork was put in the mail before the shutdown-- we'll be fine...

If not, we're keeping our fingers crossed that the bozos in Washington get their acts together soon, so they don't crush a young boy's dreams!

I hope you're having a great weekend!


  1. Why is Jason going to Korea? Sounds like a great trip, I hope everything works out!!
