Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Version 2.0

Tales of an Amazon Woman

It's a new year, and it's time to reveal my new plans for this blog...
(See, I told you more would be revealed in 2013)

As you can see I've got a whole new look, with more to come (I'll be changing my banner at the top there, as soon as I can find a day to shoot some pictures of myself :))   You'll also notice that all of my posts are missing... not to fear, most of them will be making a return-- with a few edits, of course.

I've been doing some soul-searching since Thanksgiving-- trying to figure out a lot about my life, including what to do on this blog. And, I think I've got it folks!

I want to turn TAWPS (Tales of an Amazon Woman in Pink Shoes, for those of you who didn't know)  into a place you come to find food and drink recipes, craft and DIY projects, travel and reading suggestions and much, much more.

When I started this blog, I was just writing to write.  I didn't have much direction, and it was hard for me to think of topics to write about. I felt like my posts were random at best and I felt lost as a writer. I've put a lot of thought into the new direction I want to take TAWPS and I hope you'll join me on this new journey!

Happy New Year... and let's get started.

What do you think of the new look?  How about the new direction for TAWPS?  I'd love your feedback!

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