Sunday, February 3, 2013

Weekly Update #4

Happy Sunday All!  I hope you enjoyed the Super Bowl... if that's your thing.  If not, I hope you watched the half-time show.  That Beyonce is amazing, isn't she?  If only I cold dance like that!!

I'm proud to announce, I've made it through week four of my fitness journey, and I've managed to workout at least four times a week! (Hence the celebration picture above)

This is a huge step for me.  Usually, I make it to week three, get frustrated and wind up back in my old crappy eating and lack of exercise habits.  But not the case this time!  I realize I still have a ways to go, but I'd like to celebrate this small step toward a healthier future.  It feels good to make it past that obstacle.

You may remember from last week, Jason and I switched our workout video to The Biggest Loser's "Last Chance Workout."  Since the switch there's been an awful lot of swearing in our house.  That Jillian Michaels is one tough cookie.  And that workout is a lot harder than I anticipated.  But, it's a good challenge.

I'm finding it hard to not eat more that I should during the day.  Nutrition is a trial and error thing for me, and sometimes what I eat is driven by stress.   That's something I need to work on more.  Which brings me to my goals for this week:
  • Do four BL workouts, and 2 Yoga workouts this week.  We've been consitantly doing 3 strenuous workouts, and a yoga workout each week.  But I think it's time to up the anty, don't you?
  • Replace 2 servings of carbs with fruits and veggies each day.  Part of my problem is an over-comsumption of carbs, and not enough fruits and veggies.  So let's see if I can work on changing that.
  • Use the "My Fitness Pal" app to track my calorie intake for at least 3 days this week.  It's easier to track progress if you know how much you're eating.  So, I'd like to start making calorie counting a part of my daily routine.
  • Continue figuring out my Daily and Nightly Routine.  I'm a very schedule-oriented person, but lately I haven't had a solid routine down.  I've been working to develop one again, but it takes time.  And so, this week, I'll continue to work on it.
One thing I haven't been doing (at least on a regular basis) is weighing myself.  And I've got to say, I feel so much better about this process.  Sometimes I think the scale is just there to torture us.  I think I'll wait a little while to actually start measuring total pounds lost.
I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend, and are ready for the week ahead!

Are there any obstacles you've overcome, or goals you've met recently?  I'd love to hear about them!  Leave me a comment below.


  1. I really like the Noom Weight Loss Coach app. That one was fast and easy to use. I used it for about six months before I got pregnant and I believe it helped me lose 10-15lbs. Just my two cents on apps :-)


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