Thursday, July 25, 2013

DIY Dog Collars

Can I tell you something?  I hate buying dog collars for my Khloe.  Why?  Because they're either too generic, or they're way too girly.  I don't want a pink collar.  I mean I know she's a girl, but I really don't know why pink is the only way to identify that...

So I found a way to make these instead:

Now those are incredibly adorable!  And they're not pink!  I found the the patterns for both on Pintrest, of course!  They're both incredibly easy to make, if you've got 15 minutes-- you can make them too.

Find the original tutorial for the green collar: HERE.
Find the original tutorial for the purple collar: HERE.

Now in true Kerstin style, I changed some things about both of the patterns...

1.) For the green collar I used a skinny ribbon.  I liked the color of the nylon webbing I chose, and I wanted to show it off more than the woman who made the pattern did, so I used a half-inch ribbon and made sure I pinned it down the middle.

2.) For the purple collar, I also used a ribbon to hide the seams used to sew the fabric on nylon webbing.  I liked it better than the top stitching all over the original patterns collar.

One note:  I'm a visual learner, so I wanted to give you a picture tutorials on how to attach the second half of the clip and the plastic slider.  I actually had to consult Khloe's old collar for some help.

Doesn't she look pretty in her new collars?

Dog model, right?  If you have a four-legged friend, make them a fancy new collar-- it's easy and so fun!  That's why Khloe has two.

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