Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Day of Relaxation

Following our trip up to Larch Mountain, and just before I boarded the plane to Montana-- I wanted to give myself a night of relaxation to rejuvenate my body.  I found some great home recipes on Pintrest that used natural ingredients, and I hunkered down with some old episodes of "The Office" for a night of relaxation.

Today I've collected those recipes, and will share them with you.  That way you too, can have a day of relaxation and pampering.

This was the perfect way to start my relaxation treatment.  Nothing feels better to me than soft legs, and this recipe will definitely do the trick!  I recommend using coconut oil in this mixture.  It also works on feet too!

Courtesy: Blossom Everyday
This simple mask made my face feel shiny and new!  Mix the two ingredients together.  Then steam open your pores, apply the mask and let it sit on your face for 20 minutes.  Rinse off the mask after that and splash cold water on your face to close your pores.

Courtesy: The Health Extremist
I got this detox bat recipe from fellow blogger "Practically Functional". You take 1/3 cup each of Epsom Salt, Sea Salt and Baking Soda; along with 2 1/2 teaspoons of ground ginger and you mix it into a tub full of the hottest water you can stand.  Make sure, before you get in the bath, to have plenty of water handy.  Then soak for 45 minutes, drinking water throughout the process.  Each of the ingredients will help your body sweat out or remove toxins while healing your skin.

When you're done soaking, get up slowly because you will feel light headed at first.  Drink some more water and then go to sleep (the bath will make you tired).  When you wake up in the morning, you should feel refreshed and rejuvenated!

I certainly felt like I was ready to take on my vacation when I woke up the next day.  I hope you try these out, and tell me what you think.

One thing to note:  the first two recipes will yield some extras.   I stuck them in the fridge for later use!

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