Monday, September 1, 2014

A Shift in Focus

Forgive me readers, I've committed the ultimate blogging sin-- it's been about four months since my last blog post.  I won't bother you with excuses... because I don't have any.  I've been doing a lot of thinking over the last few months about me, my life, and my blog.

Last year, I put a lot of emphasis on weight loss as Jason and I embarked on a journey to lose weight and get him to Korea.  At the end of last year, and for the first half of this year-- I've struggled with stress and gained some of my weight back.  I've had a hard time finding the motivation to get back into my healthy living style and have stayed away from this blog, since that was the main focus of my posts.

During my time away, I've been doing a lot of thinking.  I want to continue blogging about my weight loss journey-- but I want to change the focus of this blog.  To me, "Tales of an Amazon Woman" means more than my tales of weight loss.  I want to include my tales of weight loss, cooking & baking, sewing & crafting, gardening, traveling, and reading.

You may have noticed that I struggled to find topics to discuss about weight loss.  I also felt like most of my weight loss updates were just me complaining about how tough it was to lose weight.  When I first started this revamp of my blog, it was about inspiring people-- and I felt like I lost focus and spent most of my time discussing my struggles to lose weight.  So let's refocus...

Above you will notice a few new tabs:  "Love & Relationships," "21st Century Woman," and "Book Club."  I wanted to broaden my focus and discuss everything that I love with you.

Health, Fitness & Weight Loss -- This tab will entail posts about living a healthy lifestyle, my adventures in fitness, and my weight loss journey.  I would also like to start having conversations about healthy body image, and loving yourself.  It's something I struggle with, and I think it's an important conversation for modern women to have.

Food & Drink -- I will continue to share my adventures in cooking and baking. Good recipes I stumble upon and my triumphs and fails in the kitchen.

Love & Relationships -- This is an idea I had while Jason was away, to blog about our new adventures in long distance relationships.  It may grow into something more, or it may be something I struggle with.

Outdoor Adventures & Travel -- For a while, I thought that I wanted to be a travel writer.  When I revamped this blog last year, I used my "adventure" posts as a try out to see if I was any good at travel writing.  Here's the thing though-- I was trying too hard.  I really just like sharing my adventures with everyone, so that's what we're going to do.

21st Century Woman -- This was the name of a class I took in high school.  I learned how to change a tire, check my oil, use woodworking machinery, etc.  It's come in handy over the years.  But to me "21st Century Woman" means more that just working with cars and tools.  I'd like to use this tab to share some "21st Century Woman" tips with you.

Arts & Crafts -- I love my crafty-crafts! And I love sharing them with you-- so I'm going to keep doing that!

Book Club -- I started this early in the year, and I miss doing it.  I love to read.  But instead of book recommendations, and reviews-- I'm just going to give you guys book recommendations from the list of books that I've read and loved!

I'm hoping to blog on a regular basis, but as I figure out these new topics and my posting schedule it might be a little rough for while.  I hope you all stick with me, while I start this re-focus.

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