Monday, May 9, 2016

Meal Organization

Organization is an incredibly important part of my healthy lifestyle.  Without it, I spend a lot of extra money on fast food or expensive trips to Nugget Market.  I also tend to partake in the crazy food that shows up in the newsroom.  That means a lot of extra calories.  So, instead I spend my Sunday's grocery shopping and meal prepping for the week.

One of my favorite tools to stay "meal organized" during the week are these lunch box containers from Rubbermaid.  This isn't a paid post, I am not getting anything from Rubbermaid for writing this.  I just really enjoy this product and wanted to pass it along to you, my friends.

You can find these at most stores: Target, Walmart, Fred Meyer for my northwest peeps-- or you can buy them on Amazon.  They cost about $10-$15 depending on the kind you buy.  We own the "Sandwhich Kit" and "Salad Kit."   What I love about both of these kits is that each piece clips onto or inside of the other, so you don't have to worry about loose pieces sliding around your lunch bag.  It also comes with its own ice pack to keep things cool.

I use the sandwich kit for all sorts of things: Yum Bowls, Tuna wraps with fruits and veggies, actual sandwiches, etc.  The salad kit I use for Power Bowls, Salads-- and that's about it.  But it keeps everything all neat and tidy and even has a container for salad dressing, which I love.

These containers also help with portion control, which we all need help with right?  If you haven't tried these out, do it!  You won't be sorry.

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